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Market directory of industrial valves and seals

Company Search


Who delivers what? Where can I find the right product or device for my system? Which company can offer me an individual solution for my business?
On you will find all important manufacturers and suppliers of industrial valves, sealing technology and suitable accessories or services.

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Industriearmaturen, Owner: Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (Registered business address: Germany), would like to process personal data with external services. This is not necessary for using the website, but allows me to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice:
Data protection
Industriearmaturen, Owner: Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (Registered business address: Germany), would like to process personal data with external services. This is not necessary for using the website, but allows me to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: