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Pumps & Valves Dortmund 2025

19.02.2025 - 20.02.2025 - All day

Event Location:
Messe Dortmund
Rheinlanddamm 200
44139 Dortmund

Category: Trade Fairs
Event Category: Trade Fairs
Topics: Control Valves | Drives and control | Safety Valves | Sealing Technology | Shut-off Valves

The 7th PUMPS & VALVES will take place in Dortmund from 19 to 20 February 2025. The trade show provides a diverse but focussed overview of key components of industrial process technology. Exchange, solutions and business deals are the focus of the trade show.

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Companies dieser Veranstaltung (Teilnehmer/Aussteller)

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Industriearmaturen, Owner: Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (Registered business address: Germany), would like to process personal data with external services. This is not necessary for using the website, but allows me to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice:
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Industriearmaturen, Owner: Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (Registered business address: Germany), would like to process personal data with external services. This is not necessary for using the website, but allows me to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: